The Everlasting

Searing and twisting thecherry tipped poker of fates hatefullanswers rend my flesh to naughtbut the charred remnent of loves wontondreams. Fear grips andturns the clamp ever tighter around minealready clenched fists ofrages. Trickling rivlets of crimson coursesdown wrists severed bythe need for proximity denied. Ashen angercrawls acrose thefeatureless landscape of my up turned face leftvacant by the madness ofmy cursed existence. Beastial rumbling of anunleashed lust tiedby the stake of unlife I growl at my captor withthe fear of undeniablerequited fury. As the mist of my being driftsin to the eather ofthe unknown I crie out. "Release me! Devoure me! Forsurely I shall exist no more! Be one with the first for thelastwill come quickly to cease his time up on this plane! Releaseme!"

Fading I look down at you with loathing and lust. At once loved and too hated.

Twisted... I inspire and twisting I expire.

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